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Update South Africa 08-29-22

By August 31, 2022Breaking News

Update South Africa 08-29-22


We have an important case that we’re handling in Australia and we want to make sure that everyone around the world is aware of that and how it affects South Africa. So we have some good information for you today. Good morning, South African chiropractors. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of the Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, August 29th, 2022, for your weekly update.

I hope you guys are doing well. I’m going to be a little bit off our normal conversation because I want to share with you a lawsuit that we are filing in Australia that’s going to have ramifications for the rest of the world. We’ve been working on this for almost a year. Now we’ve already spent over $300,000 in preparation of this particular suit and we’re raising more money to be able to actually file it and get it through the appeals process and all of that.

And it’s an unbelievable piece of litigation, but I want to explain why this is so important to the rest of the world because this litigation is really confronting the governments about their quick response to doing mandates on vaccinations that did not pass all of the testing criteria for every country. Every country has their equivalent of the TGA, Therapeutic Goods Administration. Every country has this process that things must go through before they can be mass produced in that country and utilized. And they really quickly ran into these vaccines, but there were other therapeutics that were available that were as effective if not more effective than what the data showed for the vaccine. 

The reason this is important, and you’re probably saying, “Why is this case going at this point?” It’s because we’re wanting to set a precedent that the government is caught red handed and this can never happen again.

They cannot, whatever, if there’s a pandemic or if there’s an agenda, I don’t know what side of the fence you fall on that particular topic, but needless to say, there was a very gross overreaction through this COVID pandemic and it’s something that we can’t ever come back from. Those that have chosen to be vaccinated cannot be unvaccinated at this point. If all of the rumors are true about what this vaccine does or doesn’t do, and the issues that are going to be coming 10 years down the road because of it, if all those things are true, which again, everyone has their own entitlement to believe what they want to believe, but there’s no coming back from this.

And so the governments need to be held accountable. This lawsuit, when we win in Australia, which we will, then it’s going to be able to be used in other countries showing that governments can no longer make those types of decisions when there are other therapeutics that are available that have far less negative effect. So we’re raising money for that. 

I’m not necessarily coming to you asking you to send money. If you like being a part of that kind of stuff and you want to be on the inside track of this lawsuit and what’s happening, we would love for you to give. We are again in a capital campaign, if you will. We need to raise $300,000 US in order to be able to give the firm enough money to be able to move it through the entire trial process, be ready for the interrogatories that may happen during that process. 

And then obviously whether we win or lose, there will be appeals. The government will appeal if we win. We will appeal if we lose.

So this money sets the affirm up to be able to move through this process without having to wait on resources. So we’ve already spent all of the money for the preparation of the case. As I stated, we’ve spent a lot of money on that. But I just want everyone to be aware of what’s going on around the world and how the work that the Chiropractic Defense Council is doing in other countries does affect everybody in our profession. That litigation is actually going to affect every human on the planet, but specifically it helps our people as well.

So again, a little bit off the beaten path, but I wanted to give you a little bit of information about the work that we’re doing. We’re excited about this litigation. Very excited to raise the money so that we can go ahead and introduce this and get moving on it. But our attorney firm is biting at the bit to be able to move because they’re so excited about the work that’s been done up to this point.

As I said, we’ve been going nine months in preparation for this suit. So hopefully that’s of interest to you. If not, I apologize that I don’t have my normal rah rah stuff for you today. But I just think it’s important for people to understand the work that’s being done around the world. 

So thank you. Thank you for being a part of who we are. Thank you for supporting us. And if for whatever reason you do, or you know someone that loves these types of fights and they want to help by getting involved financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to me because I would very much love any support that we can get. 

So we love you. We appreciate you. Have an incredible week and we’ll talk to you next Monday. Be well. (This is a computer-generated transcript. Please excuse any errors.)

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