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Update Canada 03-28-22

By March 28, 2022Breaking News

Another interesting week in Canada. So, uh, lots to share with you about British Columbia and what’s happening there, what we’re doing with CMCC and obviously as always what’s happening in the rest of the world. So a lot in this update today, so please make sure you hear it all. Uh, good morning, our Canadian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the executive director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, March 28th, 2022 for your weekly update. So I’m gonna go ahead and cover the whole country of Canada first. And then we’ll jump into BC, which is, uh, you know, obviously where we have most of our things happening. So, um, uh, really in the rest of the country, we’re, we’re just primarily focused on CMCC. Now, as I shared with you last week, their current stance is they’re gonna maintain their policies till the end of this semester, which is the middle of may.

Um, you know, I don’t know that we’re gonna be, uh, effective at stopping that, but we are reaching out to them, making sure that they’re creating alternatives for those students that do not wanna be vaccinated because they actually have, in our opinion, they’ll legal, right to be enforcing a, a vaccine when the rest of, of Ontario or the rest of the actually the entire country of Canada are not, uh, uh, mandating those vaccines. So, uh, we’ll keep you updated on that. As I shared with you last week, we were successful with the exam board. So those that are wanting to sit for that in may, you’re gonna be fine. You do not need to have a scene in order to do that. Um, but we’ll keep you updated. If anything changes, we’re gonna continue to monitor that as well. So not to British Columbia, obviously that is where we have, uh, most of our activity happening right now.

Um, and, and I, I want to kind of just, first of all, get everyone to take a deep breath, right? I, I do not at any point, wanna minimize the intensity or the severity of what’s happening there. Trust me, it’s concerning to me about the rest of the world, because I think British, Columbia’s starting to show the cards of where things are gonna be headed in the future, and it’s gonna be an information warfare rather than actual mandating a vaccine. So I, I totally get the concern, but I also wanna share with you that just because I’m not updating you every single day does not mean things aren’t happening. I I’m talking to our legal teams every day. We’re monitoring every single day. I’m fielding thousands of emails and I’m, I’m not exaggerating thousands of emails. Um, every single day from people giving me information, that’s part of the power of our organization and the way that we’re structured.

And, and so, you know, we, we are very in tune to what’s going on there and I love the feedback we’re getting. However, I’m starting to get feedback that people are very concerned and they’re not sure that we’re doing enough. And I, I get everyone has a theory and strategy, but I’m, I’m hoping you guys can rely on our history and our track record around the world. That we’re a very strategic organization and not the type of place that’s just gonna be putting out information for the sake of putting out information. My commitment to you is you’re gonna get these videos every single week. And then when things happen, you will get emails. Like when we release the new on how to respond, you will get emails during the week, but I’m not just gonna keep pounding you with stuff to where you get desensitized to us, communicating with you, because when we communicate, it’s because we want you to do something and it’s very important.

So we’re, I, I need you to trust the process. I get the anxiety, I get the fear, but I also need you to understand that’s what they trying to create. They’re trying to create paranoia. They’re trying to create, you know, they’re controlling you through propaganda and fear. If you really look at it in BC, it’s been a lot of talk more than action, right? They threatened the vaccine. And then all of a sudden the, the P O came out and they weren’t doing the vaccine. So there’s been, there’s been a lot of gameplay here, and I need able to relax. I need you to not create Hyster feed. I am monitoring the telegram for the chiropractic group. I don’t have access to the other specialties, telegram groups, but I, I, you know, I’m doing my best to make sure the information we’re supplying is accurate.

I don’t want to respond to quickly and have to constantly change what our recommendations are. So I just need everyone to understand the, we are on this. Um, we have a grasp, not only what’s going down in BC, but what we’ve experienced in other countries to make sure that we bring that knowledge and education into what we’re doing in Canada as well. So I need you to take a deep breath, not saying that at all, to minimize the severity of what’s going on, please hear me on that. But I also know that they win when we out the truth is on our side. I love what’s going on with CHHA. I love the walkout Wednesdays. I think that is awesome. If you have pint up energy, put it into that group, but understand that it’s, it’s really about staying in our lane. It’s about continuing to stand strong and firm, our resolve is, is stronger than their F to try to take it.

Um, and you’re gonna have the support of ourselves, our legal team and everything that we bring to the table. But I don’t want to hear that people are starting to, you know, feel like things aren’t being done, or we’re not communicating enough. I’m communicating with you exactly how I can and not spreading or adding to the noise that’s happening in the environment. So not brow beating you, not trying to chastise you just, just wanna make that said now with all of that said, I am planning this week. I get this week is a big week, right? The 31st, if you haven’t responded, as we’ve encouraged you to do so, um, you need to do that. Please follow that information, um, that we’ve sent it’s on our website, go to the Canna, uh, Canada tab and, um, hit the downloadable resource. You’ll see the language sitting within that revised, um, uh, guidance document.

So if you haven’t responded to your college yet, please do that. Um, I’m probably gonna be doing a webinar. I hope I, I just need to wait until I have some tangible information from our legal team, but I’m probably gonna do a webinar this week. Um, updating everyone, we, or you can come and hear me and ask me questions and things of that nature. So that’s probably gonna happen this week. Um, I’m not promising you, but my goal is to get that done. If I can get the information, I need to make sure that that call is, is of value. Um, so be looking for that in your email, we’ll be sending links once I have a date and a time, but I’d like to get that done before the 31st. So everyone’s calm and understands what the plan is. We do know that, um, colleges have actually started to respond back to those that did immediately send the language that we recommended.

Um, so we we’re looking at that and not every college has responded yet. Some of verse responded very vaguely. Others have been very specific about their responses. So we’re working with our legal team right now to evaluate that again, we’re very calculating. A lot of this has to do with the case that we’re putting together. If they actually follow through and do what they say they’re going to do, then we wanna make sure that we are not doing anything to sabotage our own in efforts, right? This is more than just reacting. This is about creating a pathway and a strategy to ensure that we’re putting ourselves in the best position to win. If it comes to an actual fight. So that’s why we’re calculating. That’s why we take the time we take to make sure that the, uh, information we’re giving you, but I need you to, to feel my energy right now.

We’re going to win this, this, this is not an issue of if we win. It’s when we win, it’s just the path we take to get that done. I’m a firm believer in the truth. I’m not saying we’re not gonna go through some hell to get there, but we’re going to win this thing. I, I have zero concerns whatsoever that your information is gonna be splatter to the rest of the world. And if it is, then we’re gonna be able to find a way to get, make sure that you’re taking care of on the backside, cuz that’s completely an inappropriate and against every law, including the bill of rights in Canada. So I need you to just trust us. I know that’s a big ask, um, but I need you to trust us. We are doing everything that can be done. We’re looking at every angle that can be looked at to ensure that your rights are protected.

So this week relax, calm, love, and serve out of a sense of abundance serve for the sake of serving love for the sake of loving, give for the sake of giving and trust that God, the universe, whatever your belief system entails is going to reward you in that effort. But functioning out of fear, functioning out of anxiety, that is not gonna produce a fruit that you want to continue to consume. So I need you to know that you’re a part of an organization that believes strongly and the truth that believes in a resolve that actually has the ability to produce and control the reality that we have by believing and moving forward in faith. That is what I’m asking you of you to do. If you have pint up energy connect with norm CHHA is doing amazing things with Wednesday walkouts. I want you to be a part of those things so that you can release that you feel like you’re something, but it’s productive in a manner that doesn’t counter, uh, doesn’t hurt our other efforts.

And, and that’s why we work so closely with CHHA, um, in making sure that we’re communicating so that we’re all on the same page. So we love you. We appreciate you be looking this week. My goal is to do a webinar where we can update you on what’s going on, um, and a little bit more intimate fashion. And I can go into a little bit more detail than I can on these recordings, but we love you. We appreciate you. We know a lot is going on. This is a big week, but it’s not a scary week. We’re gonna continue to guide and direct as we can just know you’re loved, you’re appreciated. And most importantly, we’re a part of a profession

That is just the most amazing thing on the planet. And so we love you. We appreciate you. God bless you. And we’ll talk to you soon. Hopefully if not, we’ll talk to you next Monday. God bless you.

(This is a computer generated transcript. Please forgive any mistakes.)