The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
Volume 1 | Issue 1

The Official Publication for One Chiropractic and the Chiropractic Defense Council

April 2024
Best experienced on desktop
The State of Chiropractic: Global Updates

TABLE OF CONTENTS | Volume 1 , Issue 1



In the quiet of your office, long after the last patient of the day has left, you find yourself staring at the computer screen, a simple act of gratitude about to become your undoing…
By Bharon Hoag

Defending Chiropractic Autonomy

Recent events in British Columbia (BC), Canada, have cast a spotlight on a deeply divisive issue within the chiropractic community.
By Bharon Hoag 

Health Mission

Twenty years ago, I embarked on a professional project that has, since its inception, tugged at my heartstrings—the founding of the non-profit company, Health Missions…
By Dr. Joe Esposito 

The Fight to Save Animal Chiropractic

Infringements cannot go unaddressed, and the CDC is committed to safeguarding and preserving the practice of Animal Chiropractic Care…

By Bharon Hoag

In Every Issue

Found in each issue of The State of Chiropractic, these featured columns serve to inform and enlighten with vital information on updates within the chiropractic profession


Rally Cry for Chiropractic

Much like Paul Revere on that pivotal night, there’s a profound obligation to raise awareness within the chiropractic community about the impending challenges that threaten the profession’s integrity and existence…

By Bharon Hoag



Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Advocates,

We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaboration that has resulted in the creation of “The State of Chiropractic,” a publication that offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate intersection between law, policy, and chiropractic practice. As both the Publisher of One Chiropractic and a proud member of the Chiropractic Defense Council, I am honored to introduce this initiative that holds immense promise for our profession.

“The State of Chiropractic” takes a deep dive into the legal and policy landscape that shapes the practice of chiropractic care. This publication represents an unprecedented effort to bridge the gap between clinical expertise and the regulatory framework that guides our profession. In this era of evolving regulations and heightened scrutiny, it is crucial for chiropractors to have a thorough understanding of the legal aspects that underpin our practice.

The inaugural issue of “The State of Chiropractic” covers an array of topics, including:

  • Legal and Regulatory Challenges
  • Physician Censorship
  • Malpractice and Liability
  • Advocacy and Public Policy

Our collective mission is to empower chiropractors with the knowledge they need to navigate the legal landscape confidently, ensuring the highest standards of patient care while safeguarding our practices. This publication wouldn’t have been possible without the collaborative efforts of dedicated legal experts, chiropractic professionals, and the Chiropractic Defense Council.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has contributed to this endeavor and invite each one of you to be part of this transformative journey. As chiropractors committed to excellence and the well-being of our patients, we have a responsibility to stay informed, engaged, and proactive in advocating for our profession’s future.

“The State of Chiropractic” is available online and I urge you to immerse yourselves in the insights it offers and to share your feedback, experiences, and expertise with the community. Together, we can strengthen the bond between chiropractic care and the legal framework, ensuring a vibrant and thriving profession for years to come.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and I look forward to embarking on this exciting new chapter alongside all of you. Together we will make chiropractic the #1 in healthcare.

Yours in advocacy and wellness,

Bharon Hoag \ Co-Founder and Publisher

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Reader Feedback


As the Managing Editor, I view the release of The State of Chiropractic publication, not just a milestone, but as a testament to our dedication to advancing health care. This document illuminates the path of progress within the chiropractic field, highlighting our collective achievements and the challenges we’ve overcome. It serves as a beacon for future innovation, encouraging a deeper understanding and collaboration among practitioners, researchers, and patients alike. Our commitment to excellence and patient care is reflected in these pages, charting a course for the continued evolution and impact of chiropractic services.

-Matthew Knapp
The State of Chiropractic

Dear The State of Chiropractic

I really appreciate you fighting for chiropractic. I believe that the CDC is one of the most important organizations in chiropractic right now. Legal action is what this profession needs more than anything these days. 

I am continually reaching out to my colleagues to expand the CDC membership.

-Dr. Michael J. Schultz B.Sc., D.C., C.A.C.C.P.

Dear The State of Chiropractic

I realise you are flat out and I apologise for the delay in this email as I’ve been likewise. This email is to send you a truly heart felt THANK YOU for your support, assistance and backing in the court case that Queensland Health bough against me. I’m gathering Samir has already informed you we won the case, as Queensland Health essentially had no evidence of any wrong doing, despite them relentlessly pursuing my case. I couldn’t have fought this without you or without the backing of the CDC so I just wanted to express my gratitude for what you have done and what you are doing. This is a win for us, for taming government oversight and control, and although it’s just one small case, it’s another massive step in the right direction.

Once again THANK YOU.


About Us

The State of Chiropractic is a groundbreaking peer-to-peer journal covering the intersection of law, policy, and the practice of chiropractic. Owned and operated by OneChiropractic, our primary audience is licensed chiropractic practitioners and includes graduates and students of accredited chiropractic colleges around the world; manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and researchers of the nutraceutical and natural products industries; and patients and advocates of chiropractic.


Contributed articles must be original, previously unpublished, and written by practitioners with a chiropractic degree from an accredited program.

Topic areas may include:

  • Chiropractic philosophy
  • Practice building and business management
  • Abstracts and reviews
  • Discussions about the practice of chiropractors
  • Public/media relations and networking
  • Technologies that make practices more efficient and profitable
  • Current trends and issues that affect chiropractic in your area
  • News, announcements, and event notices
  • Educational and grassroots programs that further the chiropractic cause
  • Any other trend, event, or development you believe is pertinent to the profession

DOWNLOAD: The State of Chiropractic Submission Guidelines

The State of Chiropractic welcomes thoughts and opinions from our readers via email at [email protected]

The State of Chiropractic: Global Updates

Volume 1, Issue 1

Matthew Knapp
Matthew Knapp
Bharon Hoag, Matthew Knapp, Joe Esposito
Bharon Hoag

Stephanie Fogelson

Erica Michaels

[email protected]

5730 Traditions Drive
New Albany, OH 43054

Thanks to our sponsors for supporting the efforts of One Chiropractic and its member entities – The Chiropractic Defense Council, Health Missions, and Operation Backbone

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and specific other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address above.

The State of Chiropractic contains general legal information. Said legal information is not advice and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information in this book as an alternative to professional legal advice from your lawyer or other professional legal provider. If you have any specific questions about any legal matter, you should consult your lawyer or other professional legal provider. You should never delay seeking legal advice, disregard legal advice or discontinue legal services because of the information in this publication.

Chiropractor’s Bill of Rights

A comprehensive guide on the inalienable rights of chiropractors & what to do when your profession is under siege.

There are clear and present dangers on the immediate horizon that could fundamentally alter our ability to practice as chiropractors in a post-COVID world. Regulations and mandates that loom over our rights to practice and live in alignment with our principles are a very real and significant threat.
The Chiropractic Defense Council has a singular focus…

Protecting The Rights Of Practicing Chiropractors Around The World!

Claim Your Copy Now

Rally Cry for Chiropractic


n a historic night in 1775, a pivotal moment unfolded in Boston, setting the stage for transformative events in the history of freedom. Amidst the quiet shadows and the palpable anticipation of imminent change, Paul Revere embarked on a legendary journey, signaling the approach of British forces and catalyzing the revolutionary fervor that would sweep across continents.

As Revere navigated the mist-enshrouded paths of New England, his mission mirrored the challenges faced by today’s global healthcare advocates—those who, like the Chiropractic Defense Council, navigate complex landscapes to safeguard invaluable healthcare practices. The council, much like Revere on his midnight ride, serves a critical role in rallying the chiropractic community, uniting practitioners and stakeholders around the world against threats to their profession and advocating for the principles of holistic, patient-centered care.

In this spirit, “The State of Chiropractic” emerges as a crucial publication at the forefront of this effort. It strives to connect chiropractors globally, sharing insights and strategies to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in a diverse healthcare environment. This publication does more than recount advancements and hurdles; it champions the ongoing battle for recognition and legitimacy of chiropractic care, echoing the urgency and unity of Revere’s historic ride.

By drawing parallels between the past and present, we recognize that the fight for liberty—whether political or professional—requires courage, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to communal values and rights.

A Vision for Global Impact and Inclusive Healthcare

As one embarks on the journey of establishing the State of Chiropractic, there is an undeniable sense of purpose and duty. It’s a call to uphold and champion the principles of chiropractic care, safeguarding them against the forces that seek to undermine or dismantle a practice that has proven its value to countless individuals worldwide.

Much like Revere on that pivotal night, there’s a profound obligation to raise awareness within the chiropractic community about the impending challenges that threaten the profession’s integrity and existence. Just as the founding fathers of nations once stood against oppression and tyranny, the Chiropractic Defense Council emerges as a bastion of protection, dedicated to preserving the rights and liberties of chiropractors.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of global healthcare, chiropractic care stands out as a beacon of holistic and patient-centered treatment. Amidst this evolution, a pioneering publication, The State of Chiropractic, is making waves by offering an in-depth exploration of the field’s advancements, challenges, and the remarkable work being done on a global scale. This publication isn’t merely a magazine; it’s a manifesto for change, a platform for advocacy, and a showcase of the boundless potential of chiropractic care to alter lives and communities worldwide.

With your help, we can make chiropractic the #1 choice in healthcare around the world.

Bharon HoagOneChiropractic

A Distinctive Voice in Healthcare

The State of Chiropractic emerges as a unique entity in the realm of healthcare publications. With a determined focus on substance over superficiality, it aims to chronicle the tangible work, collaborations, and achievements within the chiropractic community. The publication’s mission is to serve not just as a repository of information but as a catalyst for action and a source of inspiration for chiropractors, healthcare professionals, and the public alike.

Strategic Vision for Global Engagement

The editorial vision of the magazine is ambitious and clear-cut: to document the global narrative of chiropractic care through a lens of innovation, collaboration, and perseverance. Planned as a quarter;y publication, it aspires to cover the entire spectrum of chiropractic advocacy, from legal triumphs and policy reforms to groundbreaking projects and international initiatives. This comprehensive approach is designed to highlight the multifaceted and dynamic nature of the chiropractic profession and its significant role in shaping the future of healthcare.

Spotlight on Global Endeavors and Local Triumphs

Central to The State of Chiropractic is its global perspective, which offers readers a panoramic view of chiropractic care’s impact across continents. By featuring detailed accounts from countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, the publication provides insights into the unique challenges and victories experienced by chiropractors worldwide. These narratives not only illuminate the diverse landscape of chiropractic practice but also underscore the universal values of health freedom, patient care, and professional integrity that bind the community together.

Organizing for Advancement

Beyond its role as an information source, The State of Chiropractic embodies a call to organize for the collective good of the profession. It encourages the chiropractic community to rally around common goals of advancing the profession and enhancing patient care. Through stories of collaboration, innovation, and advocacy, the magazine aims to inspire chiropractors to engage in the broader conversation about healthcare reform and to contribute to a movement that seeks meaningful and sustainable change.

Expanding the Conversation

Looking ahead, The State of Chiropractic seeks to broaden its scope by incorporating diverse voices and perspectives from within the chiropractic field and beyond. Future issues may explore topics such as the integration of chiropractic care into mainstream medical practices, the role of technology in enhancing treatment outcomes, and the potential of chiropractic care to address global health crises. By engaging with these complex subjects, the publication not only enriches the dialogue around chiropractic care but also positions the profession at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

Charting a Course for the Future

As The State of Chiropractic continues to evolve, it stands as a testament to the resilience, creativity, and commitment of the chiropractic community. This publication not only reflects the current state of chiropractic care but also envisions a future where the field plays a pivotal role in global healthcare. Through its pages, readers are invited to join a journey of discovery, advocacy, and transformation that promises to redefine what is possible in the realm of holistic health and wellness.

In essence, the analogy draws a parallel between historical struggles for freedom and autonomy and the ongoing battle to ensure the recognition and viability of chiropractic care in the face of adversity. It underscores the importance of vigilance, solidarity, and collective action in safeguarding the profession’s future.

Through Lexington and Concord, Revere’s message ignited a spark that would grow into the blazing inferno of revolution.

Paul Revere’s ride was more than a mere act of warning; it was a testament to the power of a single individual to alter the course of history. As dawn broke over the New England countryside, casting a soft light on the faces of those who had been awakened by Revere’s call, a new chapter in the story of America was beginning. And though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, the spirit of liberty, once roused, would prove indomitable.

Are you ready to join the revolution?
(click the video to play)

Will you join the fight and be ONE of the many we need to make chiropractic the #1 choice in healthcare?


The Fight to Save Animal Chiropractic

(click the video to play)

Join the Movement


The CDC has been inundated with requests from professionals in the animal chiropractic field, reaching out for assistance in resolving the issue of inconsistent language and regulations across all 50 states. Animal chiropractors have been facing significant challenges, including receiving cease and desist notices, hefty fines, and even threats of license suspension for simply carrying out their licensed and certified work. As a result, this is facilitating a black market of unlicensed and untrained animal bodywork professionals to grow in large numbers. The public is hiring them for their animals since they can’t hire a chiropractor. They have no licenses or regulatory bodies. This is a safety issue and allows the public to be misled with false representation of the chiropractic profession.

Such infringements cannot go unaddressed, and the CDC is committed to safeguarding the rights of practicing chiropractors.


Learn How You Can Help Defend Animal Chiropractic

Health Missions

Our Past & Our Future


Twenty years ago, I embarked on a professional project that has, since its inception, tugged at my heartstrings—founding of the non-profit company, Health Missions, with a dream to make Chiropractic care accessible worldwide. Last year, this journey took a monumental leap forward as Health Missions joined forces with OneChiropractic. As a board member of OneChiropractic, I get excited about the ability to unify nonprofits with a common purpose to help make a bigger impact. Our integration with OneChiropractic allows us to maintain our core purpose while amplifying our impact, by joining the largest, most impactful chiropractic nonprofit globally. It’s a testament to what we can achieve when we come together for a greater cause.

The Birth of Health Missions

People often ask how I started Health Missions. The journey started in my early twenties, as a student at Life University. I stumbled upon a publication about the Flying Doctors, operating out of Atlanta, that caught my eye and sparked a fire within me. The idea of traveling to distant lands, and providing care to those in dire need while immersing myself in new cultures, was not just thrilling—it became a commitment I pursued with blind enthusiasm.

My initial outreach to the Flying Doctors was met with surprise; they had never before included a chiropractor in their missions. Undeterred, I welcomed the challenge, expressing my eagerness to be the first. This determination led to my participation in four missions over the next five years, each trip was an enriching experience that brought self-reflection, rejuvenation, and undeniable thrill. These missions were not just journeys to distant lands; they were pivotal moments of growth, shaping my career and solidifying my dedication to chiropractic care.

After traveling the world with the Flying Doctors for years, we set out to create chiropractic-centric mission trips, and Health Missions was born. Our voyages brought chiropractic to different areas of the world including Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, South Africa, and Nigeria to highlight a few. Health Missions trips are customarily smaller and more intimate than a typical mission trip, they are designed to provide a rich introduction to the local culture, they usually include a component of physical challenge for those thrill seekers and overall the nature of the trip helps us all bathe in a state of gratitude. It’s a transformative experience helping individuals return home to their businesses and their lives refreshed, grounded, and inspired.

A New Chapter

As we turn the page to a new chapter post-COVID, our sights are set on Medellin, Colombia, for an early May mission. This journey promises to be an embodiment of our core values, commencing with an event for special needs children in Colombia. Here, we will extend our care not only to these resilient young souls but also to their dedicated caretakers, acknowledging their tireless efforts. The mission then leads us to the heart of a sprawling coffee plantation, where we’ll offer our services to the hardworking individuals cultivating the beans by hand—a chance to connect, heal, and share in the fruits of their labor over a cup of coffee, freshly brewed from the very fields we’ve served. Our journey culminates amidst the vibrant hues of commercial flower fields, offering relief to those who’ve dedicated their lives to the laborious art of flower picking.

Although the May 2024 trip is currently full, if you are interested in joining us for a future mission trip please reach out to us at for more information. You can join alone, as a couple, as a team, or as a group of clinics. We focus on accommodating your group, however big or small, to create a memorable experience whether it is just for you or your entire organization.

About the Author

Joseph Esposito, DC, CCN

Dr. Joseph Esposito, DC, CCN, stands at the forefront of wellness healthcare as a visionary chiropractor dedicated to enhancing community well-being. Through his pivotal role at Health Missions, a 501(c)3 organization committed to the education, research, and promotion of natural healthcare, Dr. Esposito embodies high-intention, lifestyle-focused care. His mission is to empower communities nationwide to embrace the transformative benefits of a wellness lifestyle, underscoring his commitment to holistic health and natural healing practices.

Defending Chiropractic Autonomy

The Battle Over X-ray Protocols in British Columbia


Recent events in British Columbia (BC), Canada, have cast a spotlight on a deeply divisive issue within the chiropractic community. A narrow majority vote during their general assembly has endorsed policy changes that have not only split BC’s chiropractors on the future of their profession but also prompted a vigorous debate on the extent of regulatory authority over chiropractic practice.

The Core of the Controversy: X-ray Restrictions

At the heart of this dispute is a pivotal decision by the College of Chiropractors of BC, which significantly alters the landscape of chiropractic care by prohibiting routine and repeat X-rays. This move has drawn sharp criticism from various chiropractic factions worldwide, who argue that the regular utilization of X-rays is both a safe and essential aspect of their clinical work.

International Outcry and the Defense of Practice Standards

The backlash against the X-ray restrictions has not been confined to Canada. Chiropractic groups across the globe have voiced their dismay, suggesting that such limitations not only challenge the foundational practices of chiropractic care but also signal a troubling trend toward narrowing the professional scope on an international level.

The Historical Significance of X-rays in Chiropractic Care

X-rays have served as a fundamental tool within chiropractic practice for over a century, offering critical insights into patient diagnosis and enabling targeted treatment plans. Advocates for X-ray usage argue that its benefits are undeniable and that the risks associated with its use are minimal, especially when weighed against the valuable diagnostic information it provides.

The CDC’s Stand Against Regulatory Overreach

In response to the College of Chiropractors of BC’s policy change, the Chiropractic Defense Council (CDC) has emerged as a staunch defender of chiropractic autonomy. The CDC is actively challenging the decision, arguing that it represents an unjust limitation on chiropractors’ ability to conduct their practices effectively. This fight against regulatory overreach is seen as crucial for preserving the integrity and efficacy of chiropractic care.

Implications for Chiropractic Autonomy Globally

The repercussions of the X-ray policy change extend far beyond BC’s borders, potentially setting a precedent for similar regulatory interventions worldwide. The CDC’s battle is therefore not just about one policy but about safeguarding the broader principles of professional freedom and the right to practice chiropractic care without undue interference.

Upholding Professional Freedoms

The CDC’s commitment to this cause underscores a larger struggle for the soul of chiropractic practice. By striving to overturn the X-ray restrictions in BC, the CDC aims not only to restore a vital diagnostic tool to chiropractors but also to defend the profession’s autonomy against encroaching regulatory constraints. This effort reflects a broader mission to ensure that chiropractors everywhere can continue to provide the best possible care to their patients, free from unwarranted institutional overreach.

About the Author

Bharon Hoag, Publisher

Bharon Hoag and OneChiropractic are leading the transformation of chiropractic care through unparalleled advocacy, education, and integration efforts. As pioneers in the field, they initiate programs that elevate the practice and enhance both public and legislative awareness. This bio explores their recent achievements and collaborative efforts within OneChiropractic’s member entities, highlighting their profound influence on health and wellness. Their work is instrumental in advancing the acceptance and understanding of chiropractic services as essential healthcare options, shaping a future where these practices are widely recognized and valued.


Rallying Australia and New Zealand Chiropractors Against Unprecedented Censorship


Just imagine… In the quiet of your office, long after the last patient of the day has left, you find yourself staring at the computer screen, a simple act of gratitude about to become your undoing. It’s late evening, and the soft hum of the computer is the only sound breaking the silence. There, nestled among a sea of positive feedback on your clinic’s page, is a review that encapsulates everything you strive for as a chiropractor—relief, trust, and a newfound zest for life from one of your patients. Overwhelmed with gratitude, you do what feels natural; you click ‘like’ on their heartfelt testimonial. Little do you know, this innocuous gesture of appreciation is about to catapult you into the center of a regulatory storm, one that questions not just your actions but the very core of your practice’s ethos.

This is more than a review; it’s a testament to the journey of healing and partnership that defines chiropractic care. Yet, as you later discover, it has become the grounds for punitive action—a staggering $4,000 fine looming over you for simply engaging with a patient’s feedback online. The charge? Allegedly, breaching regulatory guidelines set forth by governing bodies that seem to grow more disconnected from the essence of patient-centered care with each passing day.

As a chiropractor, your mission has always been to empower, to heal, and to connect. Yet, here you are, being penalized for fostering a positive relationship with those you serve. This situation illuminates a harsh reality—your profession, known for its hands-on approach to wellness and prevention, is under siege by an avalanche of regulations that threaten to erode the very foundation of your practice. It isn’t just your ability to interact freely online that’s at stake; it’s the collective right to share the transformative stories of chiropractic care without fear of censorship or retribution.

Reflecting on the situation, you can’t help but feel a deep sense of injustice, not just for yourself but for your colleagues across New Zealand and beyond, who navigate this minefield of regulations daily. It becomes abundantly clear that this is not an isolated incident but a symptom of a broader issue facing your profession. The essence of chiropractic—a story of healing, wellness, and patient empowerment—is being stifled.

The Siege on Chiropractic Practice

The chiropractic profession faces an unparalleled crisis due to a wave of regulations, censorship, and overreach by governing bodies. An example of the severity is the potential for a $4,000 fine simply for engaging with a patient review online. This excessive control diminishes our significant contributions to global health and wellness.

A United Stand with the Chiropractic Defense Council

The Chiropractic Defense Council (CDC) firmly opposes these constraints, advocating for the freedom to share the chiropractic story. Australia and New Zealand is currently at the heart of this struggle against governmental overreach. We need your support to combat these restrictions effectively.

Upholding the Chiropractors Bill of Rights

The Chiropractors Bill of Rights emphasizes our right to express chiropractic philosophy, share testimonials, and challenge unfair board actions. The CDC, with over 700 victories worldwide, has demonstrated its commitment to defending these rights, ensuring chiropractors can continue their vital work, even amidst challenges like the pandemic.

The Battle Ahead: A Call for Unity

The strength and unity of the chiropractic community are essential to overcome these challenges. The CDC is ready to defend our fundamental rights but requires the collective support of chiropractors to achieve meaningful change.

Join the Movement: Secure Your Practice’s Future

By joining our movement with a contribution of $33 USD/month, you enable us to tackle any challenges your practice faces, ensuring your right to free practice and expression is protected.

The Time to Act Is Now

The opportunity to enact change is closing. We must stand together now to protect our professional freedoms and continue providing exceptional care.

Operation Free Speech: The CDC’s 3-Phase Plan of Attack

The CDC has launched a multi-phase initiative to restore the right to free speech for chiropractors in Australia and New Zealand, countering years of censorship. This plan aims to expand freedoms and empower chiropractors to share their expertise without fear.

Phase 1: Codify and Secure Marketing Statements
  • Utilize research-backed statements on safer topics like back pain, neck pain, and sport injuries.
  • Explore more controversial topics like immunity and colic through peer-reviewed research.
  • Encourage practitioners to document their experiences and research for sharing through various media.
Phase 2: Empower Doctors to Share Testimonials
  • Enable the sharing of testimonials on personal and professional platforms, using research-backed evidence to support claims.
Phase 3: Documenting Long-term Benefits
  • Encourage practitioners to highlight the benefits of proactive and preventative care, using evidence from earlier phases.

Vetted Resources

We’ve identified trusted organizations that provide defendable, peer-reviewed resources for chiropractors:

By aligning with our movement, you’re not just defending your practice; you’re joining a broader effort to secure the future of chiropractic care in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. Stand with us as we fight for our professional rights and the wellbeing of our patients.

About the Author

Bharon Hoag, Publisher

Bharon Hoag and OneChiropractic are leading the transformation of chiropractic care through unparalleled advocacy, education, and integration efforts. As pioneers in the field, they initiate programs that elevate the practice and enhance both public and legislative awareness. This bio explores their recent achievements and collaborative efforts within OneChiropractic’s member entities, highlighting their profound influence on health and wellness. Their work is instrumental in advancing the acceptance and understanding of chiropractic services as essential healthcare options, shaping a future where these practices are widely recognized and valued.

Tap, Tap, Tap… Is this on?

The Chiropractic Defense Council Presents: The State of Chiropractic Podcast!

Attention, chiropractic community! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new podcast dedicated to exploring the current legal issues facing chiropractors worldwide and their impact on the profession. We invite you to tune in, engage, and support our mission to protect and strengthen the field of chiropractic.

Hosted by industry experts and seasoned legal professionals, The State of Chiropractic Podcast offers valuable insights, analysis, and discussions on the legal challenges confronting chiropractors in today’s ever-changing landscape. Our goal is to empower chiropractors with the knowledge they need to navigate legal complexities and defend their ability to provide exceptional care to their patients.

Join us as we delve into a wide range of topics, including:

  • Licensing and regulatory issues
  • Scope of practice concerns
  • Professional liability and malpractice
  • Insurance reimbursement challenges
  • Interprofessional collaboration opportunities
  • Emerging legal trends affecting chiropractic care

By shedding light on these crucial matters, we aim to foster a stronger, more resilient chiropractic community. We believe that knowledge is power, and through this podcast, we strive to equip chiropractors with the tools and resources necessary to protect their practices, advocate for their profession, and serve their patients with excellence.

We need your support to make a difference! Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Like our podcast episodes: Hit that thumbs-up button to show your appreciation for the valuable information and insights shared.
  • Share with your network: Help us reach a wider audience by sharing episodes with your fellow chiropractors, students, and anyone interested in the field.
  • Subscribe for regular updates: Be the first to know when new episodes drop. Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform and never miss an opportunity to stay informed and engaged.

Let’s come together as a united chiropractic community to face legal challenges head-on, empower one another, and ensure the continued growth and success of our profession.

Remember, knowledge is the key to transformation! Join us on The State of Chiropractic Podcast and let’s make a difference together.

Stay tuned and subscribe today!

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In the News

Catch the latest news featuring Bharon Hoag, OneChiropractic, and its member entities in podcasts, interviews, and other features across the web

Defending Chiropractors and Chiropractic

Check out our interview on She Slays the Day with Lauryn Brunclik, featuring Bharon Hoag, on organizing the chiropractic community while maintaining core beliefs, redefining messaging, successful advocacy efforts, and future prospects.

March Midday Mastery

Feeding Your Curiosity webinar – The Future of Chiropractic with Bharon Hoag!

Modern Chiropractic Mastery

Feeding Your Curiosity webinar – The Future of Chiropractic with Bharon Hoag!

The Wild West of Animal Chiropractic

Limited Regulation and Implications

Interested in interviewing Bharon for an upcoming podcast or news feature? Contact us at:   [email protected]

Where in the World is Bharon Hoag

Check out upcoming conferences, speaking engagements, townhalls and more featuring Bharon Hoag of One Chiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council

Upcoming Events

April 26 – 28
Michigan Association of Chiropractors Spring Convention – Traverse City, MI
June 7 – 9
The Remarkable Practice Intensive – Nashville, TN
June 10 – 15
The Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic Annual CE – Costa Rica
Australia & New Zealand - OneChiropractic Tour
October 25 – 27
LUX Talks in British Columbia – Canada
August 15 – 18
The FCA National – Orlando, FL
November 14 – 17
The Chiropractic Congress Annual Event – Denver, CO

Contact Us

5730 Traditions Drive
New Albany, OH 43054

Contact Us

Phone: (740) 398-3611
Email: [email protected]

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The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·
The State of Chiropractic | Volume 1, Issue 1·