Update Australia 05-30-22
I have a lot to share with you today. I’m going to be talking about everything from our legal case in Queensland to what’s happening in South Australia, to New South Wales in Victoria. So please hang in there with me today. It’s going to be a long one, but I think it’s information that you’re long overdue to hear. So good morning, Australian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, May 30th, 2022 for your weekly update. So I want, first of all, to thank you. I get a ton of emails all week long. I’m good with that. I appreciate that. I ask you guys to do that. I’ve had questions about the status of New South Wales.
What’s happening in South Australia, what’s happening with our legal case? A lot of those questions, I try to respond to. Thank you for your patience some of you that I may not get back to you within a couple of days. It just depends on what fire is going on and what part of the world as you remember, we’re in eight countries now with the CDC, we’re building our infrastructure, we’re getting stronger, but there are times where, when fires are burning in multiple different countries, it gets very difficult for me to be able to respond and get to things in an appropriate time. So again, I appreciate your patience. So let me dig in first and foremost again, thank you for these emails, as I have received a number of them.
I’m not going to name the individual specifically. But a number of you have said, Hey, we haven’t heard about what’s going on with the lawsuit. Can you please update us? Has it died? Has it gone away? No, it has not gone away. There’s been a couple of factors, some of them on our side with the defense council, other parts with just the ever-changing mood. Honestly, God’s timing is always perfect. I’m thankful that we haven’t moved forward because of what we’re starting to see now. So the part of the pause was honestly, financial. If you guys remember, I came to you asking for more resources. We’ve already spent over $300,000 in legal fees throughout all of Australia. Not all of that was for the legal suit. If you remember, we still have other legal teams that are working with individual chiropractors that have Opera complaints or have health officer visits.
We’ve had over 130 of those that we’ve been dealing with and we’re funding all of that. So of that $300,000, it’s been a good portion dealing with the individual cases. If you haven’t been affected by that, you’re more than welcome to reach out to one of your colleagues, because I’m sure they can relate to the work that we’re doing there. Then a good portion of that also has been in the preparation for this lawsuit. I want to apologize. Some of you have challenged me on the fact, well, you said it was going to happen this time. Because we did, we thought we were going to file at the beginning of the year, and then the new information out, we were ready and positioned financially as well as the data to do so, but you have to understand the significance of this case. And this isn’t just posturing. I’m not just telling you this to buy time. I need you to understand I’m as raw as it gets, and I’m going to be as honest with you as I can be. But this is a huge case. If we go at this the wrong way, it’s going to be a waste of everyone’s time and money. And not only that. it’s going to set precedent, but that’s also going to hurt any future chance moving forward. If you remember all of the lawsuits that started when the pandemic first hit, none of them were successful. There were a couple of successful, but none of the big ones were successful. Those hurt our chances and we learned from them, but it hurt some of the arguments. It took away some of the experts we were going to use because they were deemed as not effective in those particular cases. Just doing litigation for the point of doing litigation can be very detrimental and expensive. We’ve intentionally had our team dig in and build it. We’re upwards of almost 50,000 pages. I want you to imagine the 50,000 pages of information that we’re filing with this complaint, and it keeps evolving as new information comes out. Just as new data comes out about the effectiveness of vaccines. As new data comes out about other therapeutics that are more effective than natural immunity. All of these are variants that we’re adding to our case. So as we get ready to introduce it, the court system is not in the right position for us to do it.
It’s a game of moving the shells, but we’re not stalling. Now I will tell you financially. We did have to pause for a little while because of everything that The Chiropractic Defense Council is funding around the world. We had Canada that lit up. We had New Zealand that lit up. We had several cases where we had to put resources in other places. If you remember, when we started in Australia it was US dollars that were paying for everything because we didn’t have our contributor base established in Australia. If you go to our website and you look at our finances, we tell you what we bring in from what country, what we’re spending, and what country is completely transparent with those dollars. Right now it’s about dollar for dollar in Australia, but it hasn’t always been that case.
We’ve also been pulling resources working a case in Canada, which I’ll tell you, we won in Canada. That was a huge victory for us. We prevented any mandate from happening for chiropractors throughout the province of British Columbia. But it took a lot of work and a lot of money to get that done. So hopefully, we’re going to be able to use some of that work with our case here in Australia. So I don’t want to ramble on, but I do want to let you know that there were issues economically for us to be able to fund. We’re right at the point, we’re right at the precipice, but our legal team, and rightfully so, is not going to introduce this suit until we have proper funding in the trust so that they can continue to fight it. And I understand their positioning. So we had them hold for about a month and a half as we just tried to get our resources in order. The second thing that I’m thankful for waiting for, we’ve started to see these states of emergency starting to fade. We’re seeing a different trend where these states are now starting to put in legislation, and they’re starting to change the way they’re going about doing this. We want to make sure that this case considers that as well. The worst thing we can do is go after a state of emergency just for the sake of the state of emergency. And then they all go away and they’ve legislated everything and we’re in the same position, but we just wasted all that time and money. So we’ve been tweaking our cases, we’re grabbing that information and seeing those trends so that when it is introduced, we can make it happen. We believe we’re right near the time to introduce it because it’s a perfect time with the change of leadership and your prime ministers.
That election was kind of a kick in the gut. I think most of you would agree that was not the direction we were hoping Australia would go. Nonetheless, we’re concerned that that’s going to be heavy-handed moving forward, but in this transition, we may be able to throw things in and get it done. So we’re trying to double down our resources right now. I could greatly use your help with that. I need you to understand this piece of litigation is affecting every single Australian. This isn’t just for healthcare workers. What we’re doing is challenging the government and the way that they handled this to make sure they can never do something like this again and looking at other options that were widely more successful and effective than the vaccine and what detriment it has done economically as well as to healthcare.
So it’s a very large case and we’re going after the government, not just to deal with what’s happening right now, but what could happen down the road is we believe there’s going to be another wave of this coming near the end of the year. So all of that is where we’re at with our legal case. We have our experts. Now, everything is written. We’re tweaking some things with the information we’re seeing now, as it relates to those legislation pieces in different states so that we make sure that our case affects everything. So that’s where we’re at with our case, I’m crossing my fingers. We’re going to be able to continue to raise the money. We’re doing some independent things. If you guys can help me, I mean, I’m not asking you guys to personally give more money, but if you have relationships with people that have money or someone who is passionate about this topic, we’d love to talk with them and share with them the vision of the case.
We would love to continue to grow our contributor base as we’ve kind of plateaued with that. So if you want to get the word out to your colleagues, let ’em know what we’re doing. I hope to have more detailed information soon. I’m having our legal team put together a written piece about what’s exactly happening in this case so that I can give you a bit more details. So people can get a little bit more excited about the work we’re doing. So again, I apologize. We’re just a huge organization. As far as the responsibility that we have, and we have limited resources and I had to put them where the fire was burning the most, but we’re right on that edge. We believe within the next month, we should have all of the money raised and be able to move forward with this piece of litigation. So that’s where we’re at and the lawsuit is still very much alive. We’re believing we’re in a better position today than we would’ve been. If we would’ve filed it a couple of months ago, so sorry for the long-winded nature, but that’s the detail of our case. So if you can help us, please, please, please let us know, send people our way, send people to our website, and get them to contribute, that would be fantastic. Having them just do the one-time contributor, a thousand here, 2000 there, 10,000, whatever people are comfortable giving to support this cause would be fantastic. Now let me move on to South Australia. I know with the change of leadership there as well, I read the newspaper article. I know that they’re now threatening jail time and $75,000 a day for those that violate. We are working on that right now. I also know there’s a lawsuit. A number of you guys have given me information about a lawsuit that’s going on there to go after that particular, it’s a judicial review of the mandate in south Australia.
As I just stated, unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to financially support as we’re trying to get our case off the ground and using all the resources we possibly can to get that done. However, we are communicating and monitoring that, and we will work with time and energy, and knowledge to help support that particular case. We are in contact with that legal group too, to make sure that that happens. So we’re aware of that. We still believe they’re the same loopholes that there have been to function within our legal team and are still very aware of what’s happening in South Australia. I don’t want you freaking out. I don’t want you feeling like anything has massively shifted. It’s pretty much the same language. What they’re doing is legislating it rather than using the state of emergency. And this is why, as I stated earlier, with our case, we’re moving forward in the direction we are with that.
We’re hoping our legal case will also help, but I support and encourage that, judicial review is happening. So we’re aware of that and make sure that we’ll get you information as we have as more time goes on and finally, New South Wales seems to be the lightest where we don’t have any new information about anywhere. Other than Victoria, as it relates to chiropractors or providers of any specialty, having any issues, we’re still getting Opera complaints. There is a tweak that we’re seeing with the very interesting Opera complaints. They’re no longer going after whether you’re vaxed or not. They’re going after your stance and you are potentially promoting an anti-vax way of life. So those have been very interesting. Our legal team, again, is on top of that. We still to this date have not had anyone forced to be shut down.
I know I’ve been challenged by a few of you that there are providers that have shut down, but they’ve done that of their own choice. It has not been because the government came in and padlocked their doors. You know, our legal team has said that we still don’t even have official closure letters. All we have are threats, telling people they need to stop treating or practicing. So again, we still feel the government’s a lot of talks and not a lot of action. We believe that’s going to be the case in South Australia as well. So I know all of these things, get you guys all ramped up and get you nervous, but nothing’s changed in any of this. It is still a lot of propaganda, a lot of dogma, and we’re doing our best to give you the security by showing the work we’re doing with all of the individuals we’ve been working with. And we want to make sure that you have, that. Being a part of The Defense Council gives you that protection as well. So, alright, 12 minutes. That’s a lot of information that I’ve thrown at you today. This is a longer video than normal, but I wanted to hit you hard with where we’re at, and why there’s been a little bit of a delay in the legal case, but our team is still very motivated and we’re going to move forward with this. It’s just a matter of raising the money and we’re working our best to do that without putting ourselves in a position where we can’t do the work we need to do.
So we love you. We appreciate you. Hopefully, this has been a little bit more meat for you today, and a little bit more helpful to help us, both financially as well as by spreading the word. Keep emailing me, and let me know what you’re experiencing. Let me know what you’re seeing. And I’ll make sure that I respond to you. So again, thank you. The work we’re doing is generational and you’re a big part of that. We couldn’t do it without you. So thank you so much. We love you. We appreciate you. We’ll be back to you next Monday with more information, but God bless you this week. Remember to stay connected to your purpose, love, and serve others out of a sense of abundance. We serve for the sake of serving. We love for the sake of loving. We give for the sake of giving. None of it has to do with what we get in return. So if you can stay in that mindset, even amid all this tyranny and dogma and everything that’s been happening, I want you to remember at the end of the day, you’re in total control of your reality and how you experience the things that happen around you. So choose this week to have a great week and know that you’re loved and you’re prayed for on behalf of The Chiropractic Defense Council. So we love you. God bless you and take care.
(This is a computer-generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)