Update United States 06-06-22
We’re still very busy in the United States, as we’re dealing with the questions that you’re sending us, we’re looking at what’s happening again with The World Health Organization, and then digging into the infrastructure of the profession and figuring out how to ensure that our future is what it needs to be. So I’m very busy in the United States this week. Good morning, American chiropractors… my name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, June 6th, 2022 for your weekly update. Well, good morning. We appreciate you. We love you. First of all, thank you so much for your communication back to me. I shared every week and I will continue to do so. I view that as the lifeblood of our organization, that when I have that type of communication with our people, it means that you’re watching and you’re engaged.
Do you understand what’s going on? And more importantly, you’re staying updated on what it is we’re doing. So thank you so much for that. I want to start off today, Dr. Tally from California sent me an email asking if we’re going to take on the issue of vaccination for children. As much as I would love to take on every issue that’s aligned with our belief system, we just can’t do that. Part of the problem with organizations in the chiropractic profession is it tries to take on too much. It spreads itself too thin, and then it doesn’t have the resources to accomplish anything in any of the directions that it’s trying to move. And we made a commitment when we started the defense council that we are, we have a very narrow lane for multiple reasons, but that lane is to protect the rights of practicing chiropractors around the world.
It’s not to take on every issue that chiropractic ever has or that we believe in, or that affects our patients or our families. It’s about making sure that you maintain the right to practice and live as you choose. And I get that vaccination for children could play into that for your children, but that’s just not our lane. We stick to our lane one, it allows us to work with other organizations around the world because we have such a specific lane we’re never stepping on their toes, or we’re never crossing over and trying to fundraise around the same people that they are. But secondly, we want to make sure that we’re very effective in the work that we’re doing. And so we stay very specific to our lane. So I apologize that we can’t take on all of these issues. We’re successful because we’re laser-focused on what we’re doing.
So no, we will not be taking on vaccination issues for children anywhere in the world. However, with that said, we do work with organizations like Stanford Health and Children’s Health Defense. These are organizations that we partner with, we communicate with regularly, and they are working on those types of issues. We’ll do our best to keep you informed through that information as well. Also, I shared with you a little bit last week about The World Health Organization. We’ve done extensive research on that. We feel that we’re in a position now to get some insight into. We’re working to create basically a branch of the CDC to be able to be our representative and eyes and ears within The World Health Organization. We know the WFC, The World Federation of Chiropractic is the recognized organization for the profession. I am going to be reaching out to them and having conversations. If they’re not willing to communicate and engage with us, we’re going to go a different route and make sure that things like what they proposed with this sovereignty breach don’t happen. I’m not knocking The World Federation. I’m just stating that I’m not sure why there wasn’t more information coming out from them if they’re the representative. So again, I have some research to do. I don’t want to assume anything. I don’t want to point fingers, but we are not going to sit by and let this kind of stuff happen. And our profession is silent in the process.
So I’m going to be digging into that and working on that, but as I shared last week, that resolution wasn’t as scary as it initially looked. Our team is on top of it. We don’t need to worry about that affecting the United States anytime soon, it’s not going to happen. But we do want to be prepared. It did open up some loopholes and some vulnerabilities as far as our information and our ability to impact things like that. So we’re going to be working on that as well. And then we’re also really starting to continue to dig into this infrastructure, working with CCE, working with other organizations, and the universities, and fixing this framework issue that we believe we have for the future of our profession. It’s not that things are broken today. I suppose one could argue that they are, but it’s more about preparing for the future, right?
We know that the profession of chiropractic and our mindset is growing in the world, which means there’s going to be an increased demand, which means we need to make sure that we’re graduating the right kind of kids and that we have the vehicles and the avenues available to flood people into schools, to graduate and grow our profession. We have some concerns about some of that linchpins right now. So we’re doing a lot of research, a lot of work talking to a lot of people, figuring out where that breakdown lies, and then how we can proactively go about fixing it. So keep communicating with us. I’ve been so thankful, as I said when we started this about your emails to me, the insight information, the sharing, and your willingness to share your historical perspective. It’s been fantastic and I’m encouraging it to continue.
My last plea, which you know I’m always going to do. We now have fewer United States members than we do internationally. Now, part of that’s understandable, the fires have been burning more in Australia, and New Zealand. I know that you know we are a US-based organization. We also have the largest accumulation of chiropractors than anywhere in the world. I would love for the United States to be the hub of our membership. So please spread the word to your colleagues. We need to grow. We have a goal of 5,000 contributors by the end of 2022. We’re right now, right around 3,400. I really want to grow this and I’m asking for your help.
We’re digging into issues that matter. We ask for $33 a month, it’s a very small denomination to stay plugged in and be available in getting information from us directly. So please share this information with your colleagues. If there’s an opportunity for me to get in front of your group, I’d be more than happy to do a webinar. I believe in flying. If you’re a part of a consulting group or any other type of technique group or whatever fraternity, whatever it is, I’d love to get in front of them and share with them the vision of The Chiropractic Defense Council, because right now is when we need to build, we’re kind of in a calm, no real major attacks are coming at us. Now’s the time to grow and build the infrastructure. So I appreciate your support and your help. I love that you’re watching these videos. Our viewership is still very high. And we appreciate that very much. So we love you. We appreciate you. Thank you for who you are, and what you do. Thank you for loving what we love and knowing that we are never going to stop fighting to make sure that chiropractic becomes the number one healthcare choice in the world. We love you. God, bless your day.
(This is a computer-generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)