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Update Canada 06-13-22

By June 14, 2022Breaking News

Update Canada 06-13-22

We’re starting to diversify in Canada. I appreciate your guys’ feedback today. I’m going to share with you what we’re doing, looking at the different rules and, and the lawsuit that we’re starting to diversify throughout Canada, as I shared with you last week. So today I want to update you about what we’re finding as we look at the different rules and regulations throughout the different provinces of Canada, as well as update you about the X-ray in British Columbia and the privacy issues we’re dealing with there in British Columbia as well. So lots coming at you today in the update. So good morning, Canadian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, June 13th,2022 for your weekly update. Hope everyone is doing fantastic this weekend and had a great weekend. First I’ll just update you on British Columbia. So we’re continuing to put our pieces together for the judicial review going against the chiropractic college as it relates to the X-ray policy and rules.

We’re gaining more information, getting a lot of support from around the profession in that and thankful for all of that. Thank you for those of you reaching out to give us some of your perspective and information on that as well. Again, we don’t expect that we’re going to be having that review until Septemberish or October. But we’ll just keep you updated as we’re moving forward on that. As it relates to the privacy issues with the health ministry or Ministry of Health and Bonnie Henry there we know that she’s out there, she’s doing press conferences, she’s making comments. But we’re starting to see more and more cases that are going against the ministry as it relates to forced vaccinations. And we’re not, I just don’t believe it I think it’s still a lot of rhetoric. Our legal team is keeping an eye on it.

We still have our coalition with other healthcare specialties. And you know, we’re monitoring that. We’re making sure that things are staying protected, but I, we don’t anticipate that there’s going to be a whole lot happening on the backside of that. So I think in British Columbia, we’re ready to just move forward and get back to the business of doing what we do. But always keep an eye on what’s happening. We do expect another wave as we get back into fall and winter. So I want you guys to stay engaged with us. Don’t just drop off and feel like we won the war. I think we’ve only won a battle, so we need, to keep sticking together and keep pressing forward. So as I shared with you last week, we are starting to reach out, and look at other provinces and other issues still in British Columbia, as well as Alberta and some other parts of Canada that have some pretty restrictive language.

I appreciate you guys emailing me to share your perspective. I’ve seen everything from the inability to do prepays to marketing restrictions and what you can, and can’t say, things of that nature. We are actively working to research that. I appreciate those of you that have reached out, but I’m also going to start a new thing and just drop my paper. Each week I’m going to pick a question. I love the interaction that I have with you guys. I love that you email me. But I want to increase that engagement a little bit, and each week I’m going to pick a question to read on this update, something I can take to our legal team, something we can start working on together. And I’m assuming if one person has the question, more people have the same question.

So each week we’re going to be reading a question that comes from one of you guys and makes sure that we get you the information. So this week, I have this question from Dr. Smith and they were asking as it relates to the ability of chiropractors to be able to market to their general public, should we stay away from terms like vaccines and other issues? Seems like a pretty basic question, but the reason I selected this one is that it has some, kind of importance on where we’re coming out. I know as I said, that we’ve kind of gotten past the fear of mandates and past the fear of them releasing your individual information if you’re not vaccinated. And I know that it’s very frustrating that in certain parts, you guys can communicate and speak openly to your patients.

And this applies not just to chiropractors, this is to everybody. But I, I want you to be cautious in how you’re communicating that information. I think part of the issue in the marketing rules, which we are going to be looking at, is that it’s trying to stop you from making statements and claims to create false hope in the general public. I believe that’s the core intent. Yes. Do I believe there’s also some control over that and some power-hunger over that as well? But I think, for the most part, that’s the intent behind a lot of this language. So when we just start going on and we’re anti-something, rather than being pro-something, that’s the difference. So, Dr. Smith, I want you to understand when you’re communicating with your patients about things, I want you to take a stance of not being against the vaccine or medicine or the allopathic world.

I want you to be ProHealth. I want you to make pro decisions that allow your body to do what it was designed to do. I don’t want you to be against it, so I think if we shift our focus and we start talking about what we believe in, rather than what we don’t believe in, you’re going to start seeing some of the sharpness of the sword going away, and it gives you more open or more ability to be able to communicate more openly. So, I think that’s the shift. Directly, no, I don’t think you should be out there telling people not to get vaccines. I think you should be educating them on why the body is strong enough to be able to handle it and what the potential dangers are when they start putting things from the outside in that can complicate other aspects of their health.

And so if we can prevent what you’re afraid of and why you would want to get the vaccine, then that takes away the question of even needing to get the vaccine. So hopefully that answers your question. If not, please feel free to reach back out to me and we’ll get that. But I encourage the rest of you to keep sending me questions. We will be picking one each week that we will read to you guys. So look to see if your name gets picked. Alright, guys, we love you. We appreciate you. We’ll be back with you next Monday, if not before. If anything else happens throughout Canada, we’ll be right at you. So God bless your week. Keep doing what you do, and keep loving and serving. And we’ll be talking to you soon. God bless you. (This is a computer-generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)