Update Australia 06-13-22
Pretty calm, in Australia, although we are getting more insights on what might be coming down the road in Victoria. And also some of the other legislation that’s working around the country. So today we’re going to update you on that as well as our effort to fundraise for our lawsuit and what we’re finding in that endeavor. So today we have some good information for you. So good morning, Australian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, June 13th, 2022 for your weekly update. So yeah, we have had a pretty calm week. No new reports on anything. Even in Victoria, it’s been a pretty calm week again, it depends on the week, but we believe that the trend is heading towards less and less of the abuse that we’re receiving from the ministry and other health professors or health officers and those types of things.
So we’re continuing to monitor that if you guys hear or see anything, please let us know as soon as possible, but our legal team seems to have most of that under control. We did warn you last week about the online things, please again, do not jump on any of those chat rooms. We’re finding that they are setting those things up to try to find those individuals that are operating around Australia. So don’t. I understand the tendency is to rally everyone together and create your mob and do your work. But right now our recommendation is that you just stick to practicing and work with your tribe, work with your people. I’m not asking you to stop being who you are, but I am asking you not to put a target on your back as you move forward in these things.
But so far everything seems to be moving forward as we would expect in that we also shared with you last week that we’re on the fundraising drive for our lawsuit. Thank you so much for those of you that have emailed me with different contacts and ideas of where to raise that money. We’re doing it all over the world for the Australia case we’re hoping that we’ll have that in hand within the next month. And then that way we can move forward and do the work that we’ve been preparing to do for a very long time. So we appreciate your patience. As we’ve been digging through that and working on that I also wanted to let you know that I’m going to start a new little thing with these videos to engage with you guys a little bit better.
You guys do a great job of communicating with me, sending me links, sending me information, about things that are happening, and I want you to continue to do that, but I’m also going to choose a question a week that I’m going to use to answer on this video. I’m not going to have the time or ability to answer everyone’s questions every week, but I do want to start doing that each week. As I look through the emails and respond to people, pick one of those to read on this update, because I believe if, if you’re asking then other people probably have a similar question and it’s just a way to engage with you guys a little bit better. So this week I chose a question here from Dr. Simpson. she’s asking if when a patient asks if you’re vaccinated, what is the most appropriate way to respond in your office? So we’ve talked about this a lot. But I thought it was a great time to review that particular question. First of all, you know, I strongly recommend, and we’ve put that in most of the materials that we’ve provided for you, that you let people know that your office is a COVID-free zone, not only from the standpoint of health but a standpoint of conversation, they get inundated with this everywhere else. They go all the time. Your space should be a safe place for them to come in, be able to talk freely, and not have to have the same conversation that you guys have been having for the last two and a half years. That’s our recommendation. I’ve even encouraged people to put signs up that say COVID-free zone, no conversations about COVID in here.
It’s one thing if you’re back and they have a legitimate question about it and answering it, but to get rid of the banter and people pointing fingers and asking if you’re vaccinated, we try to just stay away from the conversation. However, if you can avoid it and they’re point-blank asking you if you’re vaccinated the response you should have is that, you know, you’re following all of the rules and the mandates that exist in your state. And just so you know, we don’t get into private health information. I’m not going to ask you if you are. I don’t want you asking if my staff are. We have some people that are vaccinated here. I wouldn’t even say that. Honestly. I would just say that we are compliant with all of the rules that exist within our state at this time.
And just look at ’em and say, listen, we just don’t get into those types of conversations. There’s no good to be had on either side of that question. And then if they keep pushing, just be belligerent back and say, I’m not we’re not going to have that conversation. I know that some of you have a very, very close relationship. There are a lot of assumptions that are assuming that you’re not vaccinated because of your stance prior to all of this. So just do your best to avoid the question. If they ask you point-blank, just tell ’em that you’re doing everything you can to be compliant with the mandates that exist in your state. And I would leave it at that and, and just change the conversation. So listen, we love you. If you can help us, please spread the word, and let other colleagues know.
We would love to continue to grow our following there in Australia. Our lawsuit is just about ready. Now we’re, we’re doing the last little bit of fundraising to make sure we can have the resources to push it all the way through. But now is the time. And so we appreciate your help. We appreciate your support, continue to do so, and then send me your questions each week. I’ll be picking one of them and we’ll make sure we get you the answers you need. We love you. We appreciate you having an amazing remainder of your week and we’ll talk to you next Monday. God bless you.
(This is a computer-generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)