Update New Zealand 06-20-22
Great connections are being made and conversations are being had throughout New Zealand, as we continue to navigate what’s happening with the government and the lawsuits, and all of the pending things that are happening. So I have a lot of great information for you this morning. Good morning, New Zealand chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, June 20th, 2022 for your weekly update. Well, these weeks just keep on ticking by, and in New Zealand, it’s very interesting. We still do not have any other complaints. I’ve been sharing with you every week that I believe the two chiropractors that were ousted in the news articles were just a propaganda piece. As I said, we’re continuing to defend them. And so far we’re feeling optimistic about where that’s headed and no fines have been paid or anything been done as of yet.
We’re continuing to appeal those recommendations and those fines delivered by the ministry. However, we are starting to have conversations with nurses with other specialties throughout New Zealand, as we’re ramping up a phenomenal group to challenge the government. And again, I’ve been telling you the last few weeks that I want you to practice as if there is no mandate in existence that we have our legal team in place. We’re going to continue to defend, but that doesn’t mean we’re sitting back and not doing anything. We are continuing to push forward and build those alliances and make sure that we’re supporting the right movements and efforts that ultimately are going to take down this unnecessary dogma that’s been happening, and draconian effort. So still good things. I want you to keep loving and serving, and I don’t have a lot of meat for you today because there’s not a lot happening other than our ground swell that’s being created, but I want you to keep remembering the power that we have in our group.
You’re not alone. I know sometimes it feels like you’re alone, but you’re not. We are here to support you. There’s work being done. There’s an infrastructure that’s built to ensure that our people are protected. So I want you to keep spreading the word with your colleagues that may not know, that there’s this type of a group that exists so that we can add to our numbers. We can continue to build the resources necessary to do the fighting that needs to be done. And at the end of the day, our goal is to be able to actually allow you to freely practice as you choose and expand the influence of alternative care throughout the healthcare system in New Zealand. So we’re all working together for the same goal. I want you to know that we’re here for you. I want you to send us and ask us questions that I actually do. I do have a question for this week. This is actually from Dr. Smith. And he’s asking that, is it okay for us to still build government policies, even if we know that we’re not vaccinated and the requirements require us to be vaccinated. So that’s a great question. And it’s something that we’ve actually looked into a number of different times. So I know NDIS I know that’s in Australia. I believe you guys have something similar there, if not the same. And so, yes, we’re recommending that you just go about business as usual. We don’t want you to hold. We don’t want you to, because if you do that, then that looks like you’re playing games and it takes away our argument that we just don’t acknowledge the mandates exist. So our legal team is aware of this. We know that if you’re ever questioned or challenged by NDIS or any of those other organizations that are government policies we’re there to support you. We do want you to remember the other things that we’ve told you, the rat testing. And, I know there’s no requirement for those things, but that gives you a defendable position, right?
Doing, making sure you have your health and safety plan and your COVID safe plan, and you have your risk assessment, all the things that we’ve been providing you over the last couple of years, these are important because they put you in a defendable position to show that you’re not just blatantly ignoring what they’re saying, but you refuse to put, have them put this junk in your body when you don’t choose to have it done. But we are still taking the steps to make sure that our environments are safe. So that’s, that’s why with NDIS and any other government policy, we want you to continue to build them and continue to work as if there was no mandate in existence. So hopefully that helps you keep your questions coming. We’re going to pick a question every week. So send them over to us, and let us know what you’re concerned about.
We’ll have our legal teams look at things if necessary, but our goal is to give you the information because information produces freedom. You’re no longer fearful. You’re no longer worried about alternatives when we can provide you with that information. That’s why we’re here. That’s why you contribute to us so that you have that layer of protection. And we want to make sure we’re doing that. So have an incredible week this week, we’ll be back to you next Monday with any new developments and things that are happening, and more importantly, make sure we’re answering your questions and giving you the information we need. We love you. We appreciate you. Don’t ever stop believing in who you are and what God’s called you to do and keep loving and serving. And I promise everything’s going to be right. All right, God, bless your week. (This is a computer-generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)