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Australia Update 03-28-22

By March 28, 2022Breaking News

A lot is still happening in Australia. So I’m gonna do my best to update you today on everything that’s going on. But most importantly, we have a webinar this week that we’ll talk about today as well. So you’re gonna wanna stay plugged in as we share with you everything that’s happening in Australia. Well, good morning, our, a Australian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is be ho I am the executive director of one chiropractic in the chiropractic defense council coming to you today, Monday, March 28th for your weekly update. Um, still a lot happening throughout all of Australia. Our legal teams are very, very busy. Um, you know, I’ve been sharing with you the last coming week or last few weeks about the different things that are happening in the day different, uh, states. We know we have directives that have been modified and update.

We’re getting a lot of, uh, emails about that information. Um, a number of emails from providers that are still having contact from opera, or just having visits from health officers a lot that is still going on. So I’m not gonna have a long update today. I really you to make sure you register for the webinar that we’re going to be doing, um, tomorrow night. So Tuesday, March 29th, eight 30, uh, Vic time. Um, we want you to be there. I, I, we’re gonna be going pretty in depth in a number of different things, things that, um, I don’t want circulating through the worldwide web. So please make sure you make the time to do that. I’m not sure that I’m gonna be recording it. Um, again, we’re gonna be going a little bit deeper into our legal case. Um, we’ve had a number of you asking us to give you a little bit more in depth information, and we definitely want to do that.

Um, but again, it’s, it’s always a balancing act sharing too much, but also making you guys feel like there is a plan and we’re not justt and the can down the road. Uh, I’m also gonna be going into a little bit more depth of the work that we’re doing with the individual, uh, providers. I’ve gotten a couple emails from some people saying that they’re not sure that we’re, uh, you know, telling the whole story there. And, and we are, um, we’ve been completely honest and upfront about everything that we’re doing. That’s been our commitment from the beginning, but I wanna explain how we’re working through that process. That’s going to happen on this webinar as well. So you understand how our legal team works, where our hands are tied, where you need to read between the lines, things of that nature, so that people are fully prepared and understand when we say that we’re there to defend you.

And when we say things like nobody currently to our knowledge has been forced to shut down what we mean by those comments, because the last thing I want is anything going out there that we’re misrepresent, uh, the situation because we’re not. Um, but it’s all about clarity of terminology. So we’re gonna be going through a lot of information on this webinar tomorrow night. So I’m, I’m taking most of our time today on this update to tell you to, to register, make the time. Um, we try to pick a time that’s as convenient for everyone as possible, but obviously that doesn’t happen. And I don’t want you to rely on a recording cuz I’m not sure that’s gonna happen. Uh, actually it’s pretty doubtful. We’re gonna record it for obvious reasons. So, um, make sure you do that. We’re, you know, I want you to know things are still moving in the right direction.

We’re still very confident about where we’re headed. I, I know there’s still tons of uncertainty. I know as these directives change, as, as you have states that are extending their state of emergency, all of these things that, you know, you would think when the rest of the world is starting a layoff, that Australia would be doing the same thing. And we’re seeing that in certain parts with backs, passports, and different, uh, mask mandates. But, um, for some reason they’re not letting go of this vaccine. And so we’re, we have a plan. Um, we’ve always had a plan and we’re executing that plan as we believe is necessary. So again, I will give you more information on that tomorrow night and we’re webinar, um, so that you can better understand our strategy and what’s happening going in to the next few months, um, around the rest of the world, uh, you know, we are seeing a shift.

Our biggest concern is what’s happening in Canada right now. Um, they’re not mandating the actual vaccine. What they’re mandating is that data be shared from their equivalent of opera, um, that they have a list of who’s vaccinated and who’s not. And they want to put that out as a public registry under the auspices of an informed consent. Uh, their government is stating that the, the general public has a right to know who’s vaccin and who’s not. So they can make their choice of healthcare provider. Clearly that is a VI violation of just about every healthcare privacy law that exists anywhere in the world. And so we’re fighting that pretty extensively, but it does give me a little bit of a look into what I think is coming as they start lifting these mandates. You know, I don’t, we can’t have them create kind of a Scarlet letter type of an approach.

So we’re, we’re really working hard on that. We’re keeping an, and we’re starting to investigate in other countries what the laws are as far as healthcare, privacy information, things of that nature. So that we don’t see to start creeping around the world because that to me is, is unacceptable. So again, one of the beauties of our organization is we’re working in so many different countries and allows us to, um, you know, get ahead of the curve if you will, on some of this because we’re seeing what’s happening. So again, not a lot of, uh, of, uh, depth for you today. And I understand that cuz I, I, we’re just gonna go through it again on the webinar tomorrow night. So I’m asking you to please click the link below. We’ve already sent you an email. If you haven’t registered yet, click the link below, get registered for that call tomorrow night.

We’re gonna answer a lot of questions. We’re gonna be going more in depth on what’s happening. Um, and we believe that’s gonna calm a lot of you and give you a, a good perspective of where we’re at and where we’re going. So we love you. We appreciate you have an incredible week. I’ll talk to you tomorrow night on the webinar and uh, we’re gonna continue to fight man. That’s what we do. That’s why we exist. You will continue to be able to practice with your right to choose. We are committed to figuring out that path, um, and work towards that goal. So we love you. Thank you for your support and belief in us. Don’t stop doing what you do every day. You do what you do so that we can do what we do, um, and spread the word. You know, we can always use more people. A part of our, of our tribe. Uh,

Numbers are a big deal, both economic as well as representation. So, uh, keep spreading the word to your colleagues, let them know who we are, what we do, the work that we’ve been doing. We’re the only group doing this. Um, and we want to help as many people as we possibly can. So love you. We appreciate you. We’ll talk to you tomorrow night. God bless your week.

(This is a computer generated transcript. Please forgive any mistakes.)