Chiropractor’s Bill of Rights

A comprehensive guide on the inalienable rights of chiropractors & what to do when your profession is under siege.

There are clear and present dangers on the immediate horizon that could fundamentally alter our ability to practice as chiropractors in a post-COVID world. Regulations and mandates that loom over our rights to practice and live in alignment with our principles are a very real and significant threat.



A profession under siege...

Whether you choose to believe it or not, chiropractic is under siege. The fractured profession continues to struggle to find common ground on philosophical differences, all while government and regulatory agencies continue to strip away your rights to practice the profession you have dedicated your life to. 


It is time to make chiropractic the #1 healthcare option.

There are clear and present dangers on the immediate horizon that could fundamentally alter our ability to practice as chiropractors in a post-COVID world. Regulations and mandates that loom over our rights to practice and live in alignment with our principles are a very real and significant threat.



The Chiropractic Defense Council has a singular focus:
Protecting The Rights Of Practicing Chiropractors Around The World!